Rechtsanwalt / Partner
Practice Areas:
- Litigation
- Industrial Property Law
- Copyright, Media and Press Law
- Trade Secrets and Data Protection
- IT Law
Dr. Marc Bohlen advises and represents national and international corporations in complex legal disputes. His expertise predominantly lies in matters concerning copyright, media, and press law, as well as intellectual property rights and IT law. Additionally, he supports his clients in issues related to trade secret protection, data protection, and labor law. In these domains, he provides representation and counsel to both international and national corporations, business executives, and public figures.
Dr. Bohlen’s profound expertise led to his involvement in the legislative development of the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG), with many of its provisions reflected in the Digital Services Act. In this context, he served as an advisor to the German Bundestag.
Dr. Bohlen pursued his legal studies in Passau and completed his legal clerkship in Bavaria. He earned his doctoral degree in Munich. Furthermore, he obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M.) with a specialization in Intellectual Property Rights in Stellenbosch (South Africa). Dr. Bohlen has worked with commercial law firms in Hamburg, Munich, and later Berlin, before joining FEROX LEGAL as a partner and establishing the firm’s office in Hamburg.
- Rechtshandbuch ChatGPT, Ebers/Quarch, 1. Auflage, Nomos Verlag, 2024, Kapitel: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz
- BGH: Anforderungen an Anspruch auf „Grundauskunft“ – Elektronischer Pressespiegel II (m. Anm. Bohlen), NJW 2022, 3422 – 3436
- Der zivilrechtliche Auskunftsanspruch bei der Bekämpfung von Hass im Internet, NJW 2020, 1999 – 2004
- Der Streitwert im Rahmen der urheberrechtlichen Abmahnung, NJW 2017, 777 – 779
- Der Vergleich – Noch ein praxistaugliches Mittel zur arbeitsvertraglichen Befristung?, NZA-RR 2015, 449 – 456
- Europarechtskonformität einer arbeitsvertraglichen Befristung durch Vergleich (§ 14 Abs. 1 Satz 2 Nr. 8 TzBfG), ZESAR 2015, 377 – 385
- Limited Edition, RAW 2014, 107 – 112
- Die arbeitsvertragliche Befristung mittels eines gerichtlichen Vergleichs, Schriften zum Arbeitsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht, Band 97, 2016